Essential Equine - Product FAQs
Q) What’s the difference between naturopathic and pharmaceutical products or ingredients?
A) Pharmaceutical implies that the ingredient or remedy was derived from chemical components and manufactured in a laboratory setting; naturopathic implies that the ingredient was derived from plants or other natural sources.
Q) What should I use on open wounds, like deep cuts or puncture wounds?
A) Tea-Pro Wound Spray is safe on all types of open wounds and contains a natural antimicrobial, Tea Tree Oil, as well as a number of other naturopathic ingredients including Comfrey, Myrrh, Goldenseal and Aloe Vera.
Q) What can I safely use to treat these topical fungal/bacterial problems?
A) Tea-Clenz Body is the only product of its kind available that is in a concentrated form and can be safely used to treat all areas of the horse’s body for topical bacterial and fungal infections such as ringworm, rainrot and rainscald. It does not stain like iodine and is not caustic or harmful like wettable Captan (man-made fungicide) .
Q) Why is T-Hoof Moisturizer & Strengthener different from other hoof moisturizers and topical treatments?
A) Unlike most if not all other hoof treatments, T-Hoof contains no alcohol, which is a drying agent, or wax or petroleum-based ingredients, which coat the hoof, blocking the pore and actually attracting dirt and dust.
Q) Can I use T-ZoN Healing Cream on open wounds, like lacerations or cuts?
A) T-ZoN contains hydrocortisone, a potent anti-inflammatory and anti-itch compound. Hydrocortisone relieves itching, inflammation and a number of other conditions, but it will actually slow down the process of skin closing over an open wound.
Q) What kind of problems or wounds can I use T-ZoN Healing Cream on?
A) T-ZoN Healing Cream can be used on : ‘scratches’, girth itch, saddle sores, cinch rubs, galls, abrasions, rope burns, mild burns, summer sores, insect bites, fly strike, closed wounds, rashes, ‘hot spots’.
Q) Are there any places I shouldn’t use Tea-Pro Wound Spray?
A) Tea-Pro should not be sprayed into the eyes or into an open joint.
Q) What causes ‘ringworm’, ‘rainrot’ and ‘rainscald’?
A) Ringworm is actually a topical fungal condition that infects the hair shaft. ‘Rainrot’ and ‘rainscald’ are general terms describing a skin condition on horses that may include hair loss, scabbing, pustules, itching, etc. Sometimes large clumps of hair with attached
pieces of dead skin may actually slough off the horse’s skin. There is often an underlying bacterial and fungal organism that may be the cause. Weather and environmental conditions also may play a part.